Cortical control – process of motor learning (slow movements) - Motor programs – learned and fixed programs (cerebellum, basal ganglia pathways) Maximum range of motion Maximum loading on ligaments and tendons Increased respiratory demandsĪdequate amount amount of load to evoke body body adaptation Adequate loading loading time and repetition Neuromuscular Neuromuscular adaptation Increased demands on muscular coordination Sport Loading Movements with maximum muscle power Optimal postural foundation - Movement quality/coordination - Movement awareness Power/strength/speed - Endurance ! Sport technique It includes both, knowledge and a theoretical base, in addition to assessment, treatment, exercise and functional strategies. Ĭoncept of DNS DNS is based on the on the scientific principles of developmental kinesiology (DK) i.e., (DK) i.e., the neurophysiological aspects of the maturing locomotor system.Head clinician for the Czech Olympic teams – soccer, soccer, ice hockey, hockey, tennis. Physiotherapist by training who holds a doctorate in pediatrics and physiology
Kolar’s Approach to Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization !"#$%#&%'()% Sport and Fitness handouts: +#&", Rehabilitation Clinic University Hospital Motol Charles University Prague, Czech Republic Director Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Clinic 2nd Medical Faculty Charles University Prague, Czech Republic Who Is the Founder of DNS? Professor Pavel Kolar, PaedDr.